Ancient Science
“Ptolemy created a universe that lasted a thousand years. Copernicus created a universe that lasted four hundred years. Einstein has created a universe, and I can’t tell you how long it will last.”
George Bernard Shaw
“Despite all the greed, hatred and materialistic hullabaloo, many of us are feeling a need for an inner quest: What are we here for? Why so much misery and pain in life? Can we rise above this and make our lives more meaningful… can we?”
Rakesh Maniktala
Spiritualism, Modern Science and Ancient History
Spiritualism, Modern Science, Ancient History. These three words at one place might appear to many as highly unrelated – but they are as much related to each other as the three corners of an equilateral triangle. Without any one of the corners, the identity of the triangle itself (i.e. Humanity) would not be there.
Scientific advancement sans spirituality is like body without soul – the form of science we see today. It leads to a society with all the attributes of self-destruction: Greed, Selfishness, Intolerance and Bloated Egos. Today we have become slaves of the gadgets and scientific infrastructure we have put together for our service.
What humanity needs is a humane and progressive culture on Earth, where spiritualism and scientific development go hand in hand. A culture based on the principles of love, tolerance, brotherhood and a desire to grow, to move forward… And do we have any precedence for such a culture, such a society? That’s where ancient history comes into picture.
Human race on our planet Earth is very old, as discussed further in the “Beliefs” section. In ancient history, there have been times when our culture was highly advanced – scientifically as well as spiritually. The society was guided by highly evolved rishis (sages), master exponents of metaphysical skills who had conquered death through yoga and meditation. These sages, the great scientists, knew of environment friendly and unlimited resources of energy. People traveled to farthest stars and solar systems in sophisticated spacecraft, and by astral travelling. They had mastered anti-gravity, and had contacts with other advanced civilizations of the universe. But human culture and its development always follow a sine wave. People leave the middle path tilting more towards materialism, and knowledge decays. There were natural calamities due to toying with environment, and nuclear wars, resulting in total destruction. Radioactivity mutated human genes and so there were primitive Neanderthal men. And this has happened not once, but many a times in the past. Physical evidence for this might not be available today, but documentary information in symbolic or parable form is still available in some ancient Indian scriptures (Puranas), and in scriptures of other civilizations too.
Can We Revive Our Glorious Past?
To realize the dream of a spiritual-scientific culture on Earth, the spiritual level of the society has to go up. There must be a large number of people with high spiritual level to bring about a change at a very fast rate (referred to as a critical mass by some). This might sound difficult, but things are actually moving in a positive direction. Despite all the greed, hatred and materialistic hullabaloo, many of us are feeling a need for an inner quest: What are we here for? Why so much misery and pain in life? Can we rise above this and make our lives more meaningful… can we? This inner quest is actually helping us rise above the ordinary. And so the long queues at the doorsteps of Gurus and religious preachers.
But only the desire for an inner quest may not help much. To hasten the pace of this change, something more is required: dedicated and evolved groups of people, working specifically and steadfastly to bring about the change. And one of the paths for them is to look for scientific-spiritual advancements of the past.
To Find Scientific Advancements In Ancient History
A two pronged action plan is required for this:
- One certain source of scientific knowledge is Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures, written in the ancient and sophisticated language of Sanskrit. Many other Sanskrit scriptures and ancient books from other parts of the world and in other languages may contain advanced scientific knowledge. Various research programs on Vedas are already in progress, here in India and abroad. Specific and coordinated research programs on such texts have to be initiated.
- Scientific remains of certain ancient civilizations must still be hidden somewhere – beneath some ancient ruins, or pyramids, or in some caves/ highlands of Himalayas. Or there could be some ancient library, or manuscripts/ texts, which might have survived the ravages of Dark Age wars. These have to be traced - through dedication, meditation and intuition.
The aim of these words is to bring together all such like-minded people who resonate with these thoughts, to launch a concerted and dedicated effort in this direction (points 1 & 2 above).
The evidence for many of the ideas mentioned above might not be forthcoming, and so may appear to some of us as hypothetical, and based on wild imagination and faith. But imagination and faith are amongst the strongest forces of nature capable of doing many a miracles in life. So if we have faith in our imaginations and in our inner quests, we surely can do some miracles. Let’s come together.
There is one Supreme being, called by the names of GOD, the Parmatma (the soul of universe), the Almighty Lord. God is sat (truth), chitta (intelligence) and ananda (happiness). He is absolutely holy and wise. He is omnipresent, incorporeal, unborn, immense, omniscient, omnipotent, merciful and just. He is the creator, protector and destroyer of the worlds. He is the lord of the universe.1
There are three distinct eternal identities: (1) God, (2) Souls, (3) Prakriti – the material cause of the universe. All three have the attributes of eternal existence in common. But they differ in other respects. Matter is inanimate and inert while God is all-life and all-power. The soul is limited in its intelligence and powers, while god is unlimited. The soul is confined in a body – God pervades all space. The former is finite – the latter infinite.2
The Universe
In the early part of this century, two opposing theories about the origin of the universe were postulated. (1) The Steady State theory, which says the universe is never born, never dies, and is always like what it is. (2) The Big bang theory, which says the universe began with a point of energy exploding in a “big-bang”. All the matter came into being from energy continuously expanding and changing form. Ultimately the expansion will stop and it will start contracting, ending into nothingness with a “big-crunch”. What is before big-bang or after big crunch, the theory doesn’t know.
In reality, both the theories are correct. The universe begins from a point with a bang and ends in a point with a crunch. This duration we call one Kalpa (cosmos) or Brahma Diwas (eternal day). It is preceded and succeeded by an equal period during which matter lies in a dormant, inert state and that is called a Brahma Ratri i.e. a divine night (for the nature that sleeps as it were). All the souls also remain in a dormant state, a sort of hibernation, during this period. The evolution of cosmos from dormant state may be called a ‘creation’ or ‘srishti’, and its involution back into inert state is called dissolution (pralaya). As days and nights succeed each other, so do cosmos and divine nights in this eternal sinusoidal cycle of evolutions and involutions 3 (Figure 1).
All matter, i.e. nature, has three basic attributes/forces – satva, rajasa and tamasa. During brahma ratri, these forces remain in a balanced state. After the big bang, the three forces get realigned to form elementary particles called Mahat or Aapah, which combine further to form other basic particles, atoms and so on. 4
Figure 1
A – “Big Bang”
B – “Big Crunch”
A to B – One “Kalpa”
Age of the Universe
The age of each Kalpa (eternal day) is 4.32 billion years (4,320,000,000 years). According to Hindu scriptures this is further subdivided as below:
1 Kalpa | = | 1000 Chaturyugis |
= | 14 Manvantars + Buffer Periods of 6 Chaturyugis | |
1 Manvantar | = | 71 Chaturyugis |
1 Chaturyugi | = | 4,320,000 years |
Of the 14 manvantars, the universe expands for the first seven, and contracts for the next seven.
Each chaturyugi is subdivided into four Yugas:
- Krit yuga = 1,728,000 years
- Treta yuga = 1,296,000 years
- Dwapar yuga = 864,000 years
- Kali yuga = 432,000 years
At present, kaliyuga of the 28th chaturyugi of the 7th manvantar is in progress. According to this calculation, 1,972,949,100 years have elapsed since the evolution of present cosmos began, and it has 2,347,050,900 years still to go before the “big-crunch”. 5
The Earth
All planets prior to their formation are part of their parent stars, like the nine planets of our solar system were part of the Sun. After parting from the Sun, it took millions of years for our Earth to cool and become solid. The Earth is hollow inside, with a tiny white-dwarf “sun” at its center. Most of the other planets in this universe are hollow inside. And most of the planets are inhabited too, because the basic purpose of planets is to support life – as that of stars is to support planets. On a planet, both the outside surface and the inside surface, or any one of them, could be suitable for life. For our Earth, both the surfaces support life – in fact, the “inside world” (referred to as Pataal Loka in Hindu scriptures) is more suitable for life as is protected from outside natural calamities. 6
Life on Earth
Presently, the twenty eighth chaturyugi of the seventh manvantar is in its last phase. The Earth was formed in the second manvantar, while the Moon was formed in the third. Continents came out of the oceans in the fourth manvantar. Vegetation was born in the fifth, animals in sixth and humans at the beginning of the current seventh. So, human life on Earth is roughly 120 million years old.7
At first the humans were born by asexual means – in fully grown-up and knowledgeable state – in the Meru Parvat region in Himalayas (Tibet). They further carried on the chain of life through sexual means.8
At the birth of every cosmos the complete knowledge of God is transmitted in wave-form and spreads out with the expanding universe. This knowledge was received by the foremost of the earliest humans – the four rishis (sages) – through meditation, and given to the humankind in the form of the four Vedas. 9
Population increased, Vedic knowledge spread, and human society flourished. Since the very beginning, humanity has taken two paths, the Devas and the Asurs, the believers in God and the worshippers of nature, the good and the evil. The society got divided along these two paths. The Deva or Aryan culture believes in scientific development supported by equal spiritual enlightenment for the ultimate betterment of humanity. On the other hand, the Asur culture believes in extreme materialism and considers the nature to be all powerful, leading to usage of science for destructive purposes.10
The fight for supremacy between the two cultures, between good and bad, follows a sinusoidal path, and so do peace and wars, and the scientific and spiritual development of humanity. Today it’s the asur culture that is on top, but the fight is still on.
Human Body: Birth to Rebirth
What we call human body actually is a combination of three bodies
- The Physical body (Sthula sharira), one which we ‘see’ and ‘feel’ with our senses.
- The Astral body (Sukshma sharira), our higher dimension body, and connected with our physical body by means of an infinitely extensible ‘silver cord’ at the naval.
- The Cause body (Karana sharira), much subtler than the astral body, plus the wave form record of all our Karma and desires (vasana), good or bad.
This “combination” human body is the carrier, the vehicle of our “Atma”, the Spirit, the actual “me”. During our sleep – unconsciously, and during meditation – consciously, our astral body can leave the physical body. For astral body being at a much higher vibration level, physical things are no barrier to it. When we “die”, only our physical body is destroyed. We, the “spirit” along with the astral body and cause body are born again in another physical body, as directed by our Karmic record. In between the death and rebirth, the spirit, along with the astral body goes to a particular astral plane depending on its level of evolution. There it experiences a detailed review of its latest life before being born again in another life. And this cycle of birth & death continues. The process of rebirth causes a memory loss, and we humans forget the real purpose of our lives. The aim of human life is to remember who we are, and to work towards the goal of evolution and the ultimate “moksha” (freedom from the cycle of birth and death). 11
The Law of Karma
All human actions/deeds, performed voluntarily or involuntarily, are termed as Karma. Broadly, karma are divided in two categories.
- Nishkama Karma – performed as a duty, without expecting any “karma-phal” (result/ benefit) out of it. Karma of highly evolved yogis fall into this category.
- Sakama Karma – where the performer wishes a particular result out of the karma. Karma of most humans falls into this category only. It can be good, bad or mixed type of sakama karma.
Hindu scriptures consider nishkama karma to be the highest form of karma that leads the soul towards salvation. 12
Categorizing as per mode, human beings perform three types of karma
- “manasa” – by thought
- “vacha” – by speech
- “karmana” – by actions
All three have different karma-phal, and based on it a spirit’s next incarnation is decided. Three attributes of the next life are decided by karma-phal
- “yoni” – Species (human/ animal/ plant)
- “aayu” – Age
- “bhoga” – Comforts
Only human form is the one where a spirit is free to do karma. In rest all life forms – all animal and vegetation species – spirit is not free to do karma, only to endure the results of previous karma.
Apart from the above classification, the karma is also classified in two types
- Personal Karma, a persons individual karma which effect him alone
- Societal Karma, the karma of individuals of a society counted together, whose reward/ punishment has to be borne by every individual of the society, in addition to the effect of the personal karma.
Knowledge is Eternal
The knowledge of God is eternal, and is present everywhere around us in energy form. So are the past and prospective futures. These can be “tapped in” by sufficiently spiritually advanced individuals. Without the spiritual development, knowledge and science always decay.
At the end of every chaturyugi, there is always a pralaya – mass destruction in the form of natural or man-made cataclysms – in which most of the knowledge in physical form is destroyed. But humanity survives in the form of a few human beings to carry forward the human race into next chaturyugi, like “Manu” (Noah) did at the end of last chaturyugi 3,893,100 years ago. Scientific remains of ancient, advanced civilizations of present chaturyugi may still be present and could be discovered by evolved and dedicated groups of people.13
Suggested Topics for Research
Before starting any research program, following points have to be taken care of:
- Identification of ancient texts/manuscripts known to contain scientific knowledge.
- Programs to trace out such texts/manuscripts which are not available today.
Research programs on available texts can then be initiated. Research topics could include the following.
- Anti Radioactivity: Chances of a nuclear war can never be ruled out, until of course, the earth rids itself of the piles of nuclear weapons. And in this context, research on anti-radioactive device/ radiation assumes paramount importance. Some basic leads are available – they need to be further researched and put together.
- Vimanas: Research on Vedas and other texts like “Brihad Vimanashastra” for developing special airplanes and space vehicles. This will also involve research on special alloys/ materials/ fuels as described in these texts.
- To realize Anti-Gravity.
- The study of human Aura for research in medicine and surgery.
- To find unconventional and environment friendly Energy/ electricity resources.
- The study of Yajna, and how to achieve special effects, like health and medicine, reinforcement of ozone layer and removal of atmospheric pollution, through it.
Above all this, blueprint for a program to educate specially chosen children in ancient spiritual and scientific techniques should be prepared, so as to produce leaders for a new world order.
© Rakesh Maniktala
Reprinted with permission
Reprinted with permission
Vedic Physics
Excerpted from Vedic Physics by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
4. The Expanding Egg
Sanskrit is a beautiful language. Each word in Sanskrit tells its meaning itself. Each word has been thought carefully. Sanskrit is not a product of evolution from an earlier language. It has been designed to be what it is. When Vedic sages coded the knowledge of particle physics and cosmology, they were well aware of the possibility that one day the code may be lost due to the decline of their civilization. Therefore they chose the words very carefully to provide vital clues about the code. In this book we will dissect each word, go to its roots, and discover the lost Vedic science.
4.1: The Expanding Universe
The word for universe in Sanskrit is “Brahmanda”, which is made by joining of words “Brahma” and “Anda”. Brahma is derived from root “Briha” meaning to expand and “Anda” means egg. Thus “Brahmanda” means expanding egg. Concept of the universe as an egg is found in nearly all ancient civilizations, the source of which is obviously the Rigveda. The concept of Martanda discussed later in this chapter is related to the egg-shaped universe. The universe is described as an egg in most post-vedic scriptures.
“Apah were indeed Salila earlier. Desire arose in it. They labored. From that heat arose. From heat golden egg was born. Golden egg was swimming in that for a year.” Shatapatha Brahmana
“Whole universe including moon, sun, galaxies and planets was inside the egg. Egg was surrounded by ten qualities from outside.” Vayu Purana 4.72-73
“At the end of thousand years Egg was divided in two by Vayu.” Vayu Purana 24.73
“From that golden egg earth and heaven were made.” Manusmriti 1.13
In Matsya Purana 2.25-30 following story is told about creation. After Mahapralaya, dissolution of the universe, there was darkness everywhere. Everything was like in a state of sleep. There was nothing, either moving or unmoving. Then Svayambhu, self-being, manifested, which is the form beyond senses. He created water first and established the seed of creation into it. That seed turned into a golden egg. Then Svayambhu entered in the egg, and he is called Visnu because of entering. The concept of the universe as an egg is based on sound scientific reasoning. We will discuss the scientific basis of this shape later in this book during the discussion of Vedic cosmology.
4.2: Birth of Gods
What happened during the initial moments of creation? The Big Bang cosmology gives a very dramatic account of first few moments. The universe was extremely hot and it went through a very rapid expansion stage initially called inflation. The Vedic viewpoint differs from this view. The initial moments of creation are described in the following hymn from the Rigveda: Rigveda 10.72 Sage: Laukya Brihaspati or Brihaspati Angirasa or Dakshayani Aditi; Deity: Gods; Metre: Anustupa
1. We speak about the birth of Gods clearly. Who says the praises, will see them in later ages. 2. Brahmanaspati created these (everything in the universe) like an artisan. In the earlier age of gods manifest was born from unmanifest. 3. In the first age of gods, manifest was born from unmanifest. Then quarters of the heaven (asha) were born, after that one whose legs are extended. 4. From the one whose legs are extended, was born Bhu, and from Bhu were born quarters of the heaven (asha). From Aditi Daksha was born, and from Daksha Aditi was born. 5. Daksha, your daughter Aditi gave birth. Gracious, immortal bonded gods were born from her. 6. When gods were sitting in this Salila firmly established, from their dance penetrating dust came up. 7. When gods pervaded whole universe, then in ocean sun was brought near. 8. Those eight sons born to Aditi, with seven she went to gods, and left Martanda away. 9. With seven sons Aditi went to earlier age. For the birth and death of people, (she) accepted Martanda again.
4.3: The Dead Egg
The last two verses tell us about Martanda, and here lies the seed of a gigantic misconception that man was created in the beginning of the universe. Martanda means dead egg. Egg is the universe itself, so dead egg means a universe that had no life. The formation of the universe was not a spontaneous process. The universe had to expand in order to exist, but forces of expansion and contraction were in a delicate balance in the beginning. The universe did not keep on expanding continuously is the Vedic viewpoint. After an initial expansion, the universe started to contract. This is the meaning of Aditi going to earlier age.
The above article is excerpted from Vedic Physics by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
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A Reader’s Review:
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Book Description Popular Lost Cities author David Childress opens the door to the amazing world of ancient technology, from the computers of the ancient world to the “flying machines of the gods.” Technology of the Gods explores the technology that was allegedly used in Atlantis and the theory that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was originally a gigantic power station. Childress also uncovers many other mysteries, including: - the technology of ancient flight - how the ancients used electricity - megalithic building techniques - the use of crystal lenses and the fire from the gods - ancient evidence of high-tech weapons, including atomic weapons - the role of modern inventors, such as Nikola Tesla, in bringing ancient technology into modern use - impossible artifacts, and more, much more.
Childress has done it again! From beginning to end, Technology of the Gods is filled with facts, keen observations and tales that challenge modern assumptions in a humorous, intelligent and compelling way that is quintessential Childress.
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The Urantia Book | |
Comments This priceless and inexhaustible resource is the ultimate synthesis of “science, philosophy and truth”, of “reason, wisdom and faith”, of “past, present and future”. | |
The Vedic Prophecies: A New Look into the Future by Stephen Knapp | |
Comments The Vedic prophecies take you to the end of time! The book presents the unique predictions found in the ancient Vedic texts of India. These prophecies are like no others and will provide you with a very different view of the future and how things fit together in the plan for the universe. Now you can discover the amazing secrets that are hidden in the oldest spiritual writings on the planet. The book does contain “unedited” teachings of the cycles of the world/universe and predictions of the future and even what some of the prophecies that have occurred. It is also a very good reference that puts together a lot of the stories that many people have heard of and are now in danger of being forgotten. Much the first few pages explain the different incarnations of God/teachers and what their roles were. This list includes Krishna, Rama, Buddha and most of the others. | |
Proof of Vedic Culture’s Global Existence by Stephen Knapp | |
Book Description
This book provides evidence which makes it clear that most religious history is not what we think it is. It lets you see the true heritage that has been suppressed for centuries. It shows that there was once a greatly advanced and ancient culture that was a global society. That was the Vedic civilization. Even today we can see its influence in any part of the world, which makes it obvious that before the world became full of distinct and separate cultures, religions, and countries, it was once united in a common brotherhood of Vedic culture, with common standards, ideals, language, and representations of God. No matter what we may be in regard to our present religion, society, or country, we are all descendants of that ancient, global civilization. The Vedic tradition of India is the parent of humanity and the original ancestor of all religions. | |
The Secret Teachings of the Vedas: The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life by Stephen Knapp | |
Book Description A very readable explanation of the Vedic philosophical view of life, the world, God, etc. Must reading for anyone interested in philosophy or religion.
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