Saturday, 14 January 2012


History of the Vortex
The House of Mystery itself was originally an assay office and later used for tool storage, built by the Old Grey Eagle Mining Company in 1904. But the history of the surrounding area, The Oregon Vortex, goes way back to the time of the Native Americans. Their horses would not come into the affected area, so they wouldn’t. The Native Americans called the area the “Forbidden Ground“, a place to be shunned. Many years before The House of Mystery was built it was noted that unusual conditions existed there. But it was not until well into the 20th century that any effort was made toward a scientific analysis of the disturbance.
John Litster, a geologist, mining engineer, and physicist, developed the area in the early 1920′s and opened it to the public in 1930. He conducted thousands of experiments within the Vortex until his death in 1959. He was born in Alva, Scotland on April 30, 1886 a son of a British Foreign Diplomat.
Scientific Information
The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above the ground and half below the ground. The word “vortex” simply means a whirpool of force, like a whirling mass of water, especially one in which a force of suction operates, such as a whirlpool or a whirling mass of air, especially one in the form of a visible column or spiral, such as a tornado.
A vortex, essentially a whirlpool of force, is the basic form of our universe. From our galaxy, whose vortex form we see as the countless suns of the Milky Way, throughout the gravitational vortex of our solar system, down to the vortex of an atom, the vortex form recurs throughout our world structure. The Phenomena that gives The Oregon Vortex its name are evident throughout the entire area. Nowhere in the circle do you normally stand erect. Inevitably the visitor assumes a posture that inclines toward magnetic north. The corona ofThe Vortex, as well as the minor vortices, discovered during the continuous study of The Vortex, are among the unique phenomena to be observed here.
As another person, on a level platform, recedes from you towards magnetic south, they appear taller. When they approach you, coming towards magnetic north, they become shorter. This is contrary to the laws of perspective, as we know it, and must be seen to be believed (see Photographs).
The scientific analysis of the disturbance constitutes an education in subjects of interest to all. The accumulated Notes and Data, written by John Litster, contains 35 pictures, diagrams, and illustrations along with other information specifically on The Oregon Vortex is available to all visitors.
 New! We have gotten so many requests about our Copper Pipe and Magnet demonstration (also known as an Eddy Current Tube) that we decided to start making them. We currently have one style available. This set comes with a 10″ long, 1/2″ diameter copper pipe. The pipe is 99.99% pure copper to achieve the strongest effect. It comes with two very strong Grade N42 neodymium magnets. One is a 1/4″ cube and the other is a 5/16″ cylinder. When dropped down the copper pipe the magnets fall very slowly demonstrating eddy currents. A good name for researching this electromagnetic principle on the internet is ‘Lenz’s Law’.
This is one of the phenomena that occurs at the The Oregon Vortex. You can actually see and take pictures of the change in height, as is shown below. When you have the pictures developed you can even measure the difference in height on the pictures.
 However, it is important to note that whatever instrument you use to measure with while inside the affected area you will always measure to be the same height because the instrument of measurement will change in size right along with you. So don’t forget your still camera!
Change of height in Back Yard 1
Picture 1 – The appearance of similar height
Change of height in Back Yard 2
Picture 2 – The change of height after switching places
 These pictures shows two people standing on a level platform within the area, in the backyard of The House of Mystery, close to the area’s center.
Change of height in Back Yard without background 1
Picture 1 – Without background
Change of height in Back Yard without background 2
Picture 2 – Without background
 These pictures have the potentially confusing background lines and angles of The House of Mystery cut out. The change of height is still just as visible without the background.
The House of Mystery
Photograph of The House of Mystery

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